How Do I Get an Academic Scholarship?

At the University of Pittsburgh, we understand the importance of supporting our students’ academic journeys. For those searching for Academic Scholarships, our Financial Aid Department is your primary resource. On this page, you’ll find detailed information on how to apply for academic scholarships, including the necessary documentation and application procedures. If you’re aiming for full-ride financial aid, it’s crucial to be thorough in your application and meet all the criteria. One of our most prestigious awards is the Chancellor’s Scholarship, which offers full-tuition scholarships to deserving candidates. If you’re wondering, “when do scholarships get awarded?” specific dates vary, but please feel free to contact us about scholarships you’re unclear about. We encourage all students to explore these opportunities to alleviate tuition costs and achieve their academic dreams.

Academic Scholarships

Competitively awarded, Pitt academic  scholarships are based on a combination of outstanding academic achievement, holistic factors provided in a candidate’s personal statement or Common Application essay, and potential for scholarly contributions to the University of Pittsburgh community. Incoming first-year students who have a completed application for admission with all required materials by December 1 are automatically considered for University of Pittsburgh academic scholarships. Additionally, the Chancellor’s Scholarship is awarded to incoming first-year students to Frederick Honors College.

Eligibility for Scholarships

Incoming first-year students are considered for University of Pittsburgh academic scholarships. Continuing students are encouraged to seek potential scholarship funding through the University’s scholarship database, PittFund$Me.  In addition to meeting the December 1 completed application deadline, the following criteria also apply:

  • Submission of a personal statement or the Common Application essay is required for scholarship consideration.
  • Some scholarships require participation in an interview prior to selection and/or may have additional requirements (see scholarship types below).
  • Students admitted for the spring semester are not eligible for scholarship consideration.

This webpage provides detailed guidelines and requirements governing academic scholarships.

Scholarship Opportunities

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University Scholarships
Chancellor's Scholarship
International Freshmen Scholarships
Tuition Exchange
Transfer Scholarships
PA Resident Scholarships

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Nordenberg Scholars Program
Stamps Scholarship
Frequently Asked Questions

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What are Academic Scholarships?
How can I apply for the Chancellor's Scholarship?
Are there Full Tuition Scholarships available?
What are the scholarship requirements?
When do scholarships get awarded?
How can I secure full ride financial aid?
How do I apply for academic scholarships?
Is FAFSA relevant for merit scholarships?